Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Honesty and Purity

My goal was to capture honesty and purity.  The only way I could think of doing that was with children and animals.  These 20 paintings were created over the last five years.  I did them because they make me feel good. When I show them to others, they always smile.  I want people to laugh and feel good when they see them. Children especially like them.  I found all the images from the internet then drew and painted them my way.

23"x 34", acrylic on masonite

23"x 15", acrylic on masonite

23"x 15", acrylic on masonite

23"x 15", acrylic on masonite

23"x 15", acrylic on masonite

23"x 15", acrylic on masonite

23"x 15", acrylic on canvas

23"x 15", acrylic on masonite

15"x 23", acrylic on masonite

15"x 23", acrylic on canvas

23"x 34", acrylic on masonite

23"x 34", acrylic on masonite

23"x 34", acrylic on masonite

23"x 34", acrylic on masonite

23"x 34", acrylic on masonite

23"x 34", acrylic on masonite

23"x 34", acrylic on masonite

23"x 34", acrylic on masonite

23"x 15", acrylic on masonite

23"x 15", acrylic on canvas

For years I've been carving children alone, with their mothers, or with animals, below  

Mike's Mom, 36" tall, redwood

Wild Child, 36" tall, pine

Mother and daughter, 65' tall, fir

The kiss, 36" tall, maple

The Kiss #2, 65" tall, pine

Angel corbles, 48" tall, alder

Slobber kiss, 30" tall, black walnut